
As assistant vice provost, one set of my responsibilities entailed collecting and analyzing data/information relevant to campus initiatives and educational programs; using appropriate methods to evaluate academic program successes and benefits to students, faculty, and the university; and reporting findings and formulating recommendations, especially as relevant to institutional decision-making, strategic planning, and program development. Associated writing related to UCLA programs and initiatives includes:


Pathways to Commencement Task Force (2014). Pathways to Commencement Task Force Report. Los Angeles, CA: UCLA Division of Undergraduate Education.

Smith, J.L. and Lindholm, J.A. (2014). Philanthropy as Civic Engagement: Class Report to the Once Upon a Time Foundation. Los Angeles, CA: UCLA Division of Undergraduate Education.

Lindholm, J.A. (2013). Developing a Campus Culture that Embraces Assessment of Learning in Majors. Essay written to support plenary address presented at the 2013 Quantitative Reasoning and Assessing Student Learning in Majors Workshop sponsored by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC).

Lindholm, J.A. (2013). 2012 UCLA Senior Survey Capstone-like Course Participation and Experience. Los Angeles, CA: UCLA Division of Undergraduate Education.

Lindholm, J.A. (2012). 2012 Philanthropy as Civic Evaluation: Summary for Once Upon a Time Foundation. Los Angeles, CA: UCLA Division of Undergraduate Education.

Kendrick, M.G., Lindholm, J.A., and Blackmar, L. (2011). Freshman Cluster Program: Self-Review 2003-2011. Los Angeles, CA: UCLA Division of Undergraduate Education.

Lindholm, J.A. (2010). Guidelines for Developing and Assessing Student Learning Outcomes for Undergraduate Majors, 1st Edition. Los Angeles, CA: UCLA Division of Undergraduate Education.

Lindholm, J.A. (2009). UCLA Senior Survey and Students' Impressions of Capstone Experiences in the College. Los Angeles, CA: UCLA Division of Undergraduate Education.

Lindholm, J.A. (2007). Four Years Later: Reflections on Freshman Cluster Experiences. Los Angeles, CA: UCLA Division of Undergraduate Education.

Lindholm, J.A. (2007). Inaugural Year Assessment of the Undergraduate Student Initiated Education (USIE) Program. Los Angeles, CA: UCLA Division of Undergraduate Education.


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